Monday, December 26, 2011

Step and Requirement to Get Ir Title in Malaysia

Assalamualaikum and good day all.
Today me, as an engineering student want to share in this blog on HOW TO GET Ir TITLE IN MALAYSIA. Basically Ir stand for Ingenieur (Engineer) who practicing the profession of engineering. So below is the step on how to get this title. 

After graduated from University, we definately target for IR title if there is a chance.

Below are the requirements-

Eligibility for admission to APEC Engineer Register is limited only to engineers who have completed an accredited or recognised engineering programme and is registered with IEM who has been approved for independent practice. The Route to Professional Engineers, Accredited Qualification for Registration As Graduate Engineers and Engineering Qualification Assessment Procedures are described in the Board of Engineers, Malaysia’s Guidebook (Appendix I).

Specific Assessment Requirements For An APEC Engineer

Specific assessment mechanisms for various engineering disciplines on the Register are described in the Guidebook : The Route to An APEC Engineer.

All applicants for registration shall satisfy the following criteria:-

1.) A Professional Engineer registered with the Board of Engineers Malaysia and a corporate member with IEM. 
2.) Seven years experience after graduation in a recognised engineering discipline 
3.) Two years experience in responsible charge of significant work (may be obtained within the seven years experience) 
4.) Maintained their continuing professional development at a satisfactory level. 

Audit of APEC Engineers

Any person on the APEC Engineers Register may be subjected to random audit of their current curriculum vitae and records of continuing professional development over the immediate past three years period by an assessor or assessors appointed by the Board.

The engineering disciplines recognised for the purpose of the APEC Engineer Register are:-

- Civil 
- Structural 
- Mechanical 
- Electrical 
- Electronic 
- Mining 
- Chemical 

Note: The list may be expanded.

For further information, please visit the link below:


mrs ingenieur said...

Hi, feel free to read my experience on route to professional engineer at

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